What’s going on with Audrey?

Thank you for being here…

This was the easiest way to explain to everyone what has been going on with me. We kept it quiet initially because we wanted to get all the information before we said anything. Click on the my story button on the side if you’d like to know everything, call or text or say hi to me or Mike anytime. It’s been a hellish and scary time. This is our new reality and we welcome support.

Currently, this information is just for friends and family. I’m almost ready to share with the world, just not quite yet.

Please feel free to read all the tabs above, and everything on this site— I would really love that! But, this front page has the most of the main information.

This summer I was diagnosed with advanced stage lung cancer with no real symptoms — I have never ever smoked, and neither have many of the people with this disease. A gene we all have—ALK—mutated randomly, and it turns out this can happen to anyone, no matter how healthy, for no reason, anytime. (I know it’s crazy!) And, there’s no screening for lung cancer so I would never have caught this earlier. Most people find out Stage IV like I did.

For now, I’m receiving the best treatment in the form of a daily targeted pill for my specific mutation, and it’s working. I actually feel better! But… this won’t last forever. Read my story to know understand more about ALK+

Within the next few months, I am starting a non-profit to raise funds for a groundbreaking cancer vaccine out of Johns Hopkins Medical Center that could help me and so many others with my same diagnosis, ALK+ Lung Cancer.

I’m on the list to be part of a clinical trial, and the first round already started this year. Dr. Vincent Lam developed the vaccine—currently his patients are raising money for the next round to open, and so on. This is something that could actually happen! The vaccine has been made! There’s a list of patients ready to go!

Now, we need to raise the funds to make it all possible.

The fundraising site for the non-profit isn’t ready yet, but the address is Love4Lungs.org.

How to help?

I would love help when I’m organized enough to fundraise for the vaccine. Add your name and email below to our list if you’d like to know the latest with what is going on with me and my treatments, and everything with this vaccine that has so much potential. I’ll send you my BLOG/SUBSTACK I’m starting (click and sign up too). Everyday something new seems to happen with this diagnosis.

Did you know Lung Cancer kills 1.5X more women than breast cancer… most never smoked and had no symptoms? It’s true!